Sermons by Humphreys Mkandawire (Page 7)

Giving over taking

Greed is more easily noticeable in others than it is noticeable in us. When we are motivated by greed we will easily believe this lie: I need it, I must have it, and with it, life will be better. In this sermon, Pastor Humphreys shares the truth of the gospel which is dependent on us…

THe cross receives

SERIES NAME: RESTORATIONBOTTOM LINE: invited by love to go for what’s best for us SERIES CONCEPTWhen we look at the cross we must remember that the cross is an invitation.First of all the cross is an invitation to come closer to the one who loves us the most. Through the cross,God loves those who don’t…


SERIES NAME: RESTORATIONBOTTOM LINE: invited by love to go for what’s best for us SERIE CONCEPTWhen we look at the cross we must remember that the cross is an invitation.First of all the cross is an invitation to come closer to the one who loves us the most. Through the cross,God loves those who don’t…

The cross reconnects

SERIES NAME: RESTORATIONBOTTOM LINE: invited by love to go for what’s best for us SERIES CONCEPTWhen we look at the cross we must remember that the cross is an invitation.First of all the cross is an invitation to come closer to the one who loves us the most. Through the cross, God loves those who…