SERIES NAME: SOLD OUT BOTTOM LINE: Living like Jesus matters the most to us SERIES CONCEPT Jesus calls His disciples to follow him even to the point of death. Following Jesus does lead us to die to self so that we can truly live for him. The best bunch that sets an example for us…
SERIES NAME: SOLD OUTBOTTOM LINE:Living like Jesus matters the most to usSERIES CONCEPTJesus calls His disciples to follow him even to the point of death. Following Jesus does lead us to die toself so that we can truly live for him.The best bunch that sets an example for us are the disciples of Jesus. The…
SERIES NAME: RESTORATIONBOTTOM LINE: invited by love to go for what’s best for us SERIES CONCEPTWhen we look at the cross we must remember that the cross is an invitation.First of all the cross is an invitation to come closer to the one who loves us the most. Through the cross,God loves those who don’t…
SERIES NAME: RESTORATIONBOTTOM LINE: invited by love to go for what’s best for us SERIE CONCEPTWhen we look at the cross we must remember that the cross is an invitation.First of all the cross is an invitation to come closer to the one who loves us the most. Through the cross,God loves those who don’t…
SERIES NAME: RESTORATIONBOTTOM LINE: invited by love to go for what’s best for us SERIES CONCEPTWhen we look at the cross we must remember that the cross is an invitation.First of all the cross is an invitation to come closer to the one who loves us the most. Through the cross, God loves those who…
SERIES NAME: HERE AND HEALING BOTTOM LINE: Embracing our brokenness to experience God’s healing SERIES SUMMARY All of us have experienced things in our lives that we need healing from. It is a mistake to overlook whatever we are going or have gone through. The best way is for us to recognize where we are…
SERIES NAME: HERE AND HEALINGBOTTOM LINE: Embracing our brokenness to experience God’s healing SERIES SUMMARYAll of us have experienced things in our lives that we need healing from. It is a mistake to overlook whatever we are going or have gone through. The best way is for us to recognize where we are at and…
SERIES NAME: HERE AND HEALINGBOTTOM LINE: Embracing our brokenness to experience God’s healingSERIES SUMMARYAll of us have experienced things in our lives that we need healing from. It is a mistake to overlookwhatever we are going or have gone through. The best way is for us to recognize where we are at andto remember that…