Sermons by Humphreys Mkandawire (Page 10)


At the cross we see a God who suffers greatly to show how much he loves us. He lays down his life so that those who put their faith in him should receive the gift of eternal life.When we begin to live our life through the lens of the cross and what happens on the…


When God sends you in a direction you’re afraid of This series will look through some of the passages in the book of Exodus where the children of Israel went on a journey. They thought God was talking on the journey to a promised land but they later realized that God was taking them on…


​What to do when things don’t go your way. This series will look through some of the passages in the book of Exodus where the children of Israel went on a journey. They thought God was talking on the journey to a promised land but they later realized that God was taking them on a…

Looking Back, Living forward

The Christmas story is full of hardship, fear, and uncertainties. Christ being born did not stop people from experiencing loss, grief, fear or any form of hardship. But Christ being born meant now the people who were experiencing loss can now have hope again, the people who were grieving can now trust again the people…