In this sermon Raphael Klug speaks from Romans 12:9-21 about being kind and considerate to those around us as a response to the love we have received from Jesus because, displayed love precedes life change.
In this sermon Raphael Klug speaks from Romans 12:9-21 about being kind and considerate to those around us as a response to the love we have received from Jesus because, displayed love precedes life change.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys speaks from 1 Peter 3:13-17 about Being gracious with our speech (encouraging, speaking truth/gospel in love, affirming etc) towards those around us.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from Luke 14:12-15 about being ready and open to welcome those that are on the outside into our homes and sacred spaces following the example of Christ who invites and welcomes us into his home.
In this sermon Kate Mkandawire speaks from 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 about being intentional in the establishment of relationships with those around us because it is better to live dependent and connected to our community than to live independently disconnected.
In this sermon Toby Lewis-Davidson preaches from the book of 1 Kings about obedience amidst fear.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire preaches from the book of 2 Samuel 12:1-2 about obedience to God amidst depression.
In this sermon David Peterka preaches from the book of Genesis about obedience despite resentment.
In this sermon Renatta Walton shares from the book of Ruth about obedience in anger.
Pastor Humphreys speaks about Moses’ obedience, even in his insecurity.