Sermons by Willson Chivhanga

The Church is supportive

SERIES NAME: WE ARE THE CHURCH BOTTOM LINE: BEING THE CHURCH IS BETTER THAN DOING CHURCH SERIES SUMMARYWe can be so concerned about DOING church that we forget what it means or looks like to BE the church. We are called to BE the church not to DO church. When we turn the church into…

god welcomes

At the cross we see a God who suffers greatly to show how much he loves us. He lays down his life so that those who put their faith in him should receive the gift of eternal life.When we begin to live our life through the lens of the cross and what happens on the…

osadandaula- part 2

SERIES NAME: OSADANDAULA BOTTOM LINE: EXPERIENCING GOD’S PEACE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHAOS SERIES CONCEPT During this time a lot of people in our community are going through very rough times. This season people need to be reminded of God’s truth that even though we are in the chaos we are not abandoned. The…


SERIES NAME: WHEN GOD WORKS BOTTOM LINE: Responding to God’s activity in us This one month series will be focusing on one of our values which is responding to God’s activity. The hope is that the series will help people to be more aware of God’s activity in their lives and will teach them on…