Sermons by Dali Mizaya

Christ the hope for lost

SERIES NAME: RELENTLESS PURSUITBOTTOM LINE: EXPERIENCING THE UNSTOPPABLE LOVE OF CHRISTSERIES SUMMARYJesus is the hope of the world and our ultimate source of hope. The story of Easter reveals a God who is unrelenting in his pursuit of sinners. God came to live among his people not only to expose their sinfulness but also to…

Following Jesus in the face of Doubt

SERIES NAME: SOLD OUTBOTTOM LINE:Living like Jesus matters the most to usSERIES CONCEPTJesus calls His disciples to follow him even to the point of death. Following Jesus does lead us to die toself so that we can truly live for him.The best bunch that sets an example for us are the disciples of Jesus. The…

Out To Invite: Christ In Our Authority

When it comes to sharing the Gospel we can find ourselves in these spaces: AvoidanceWe can find ourselves avoiding inviting others on a journey with God and this can be because we are afraid. There are so many reasons why we are afraid to share with others. Sometimes we are afraid because we fear that…


When we invite Jesus as Lord in our lives we are inviting him to influence not only one part of our life but every single part of our lives. True transformation is when we continue to say yes to Jesus being Lord in every area of our lives. Jesus needs to have a say in…


WHEN GOD’S BLESSING IS DELAYED This series will look through some of the passages in the book of Exodus where the children of Israel went on a journey. They thought God was talking on the journey to a promised land but they later realized that God was taking them on a journey with him. Their…