Sermons by Humphreys Mkandawire (Page 6)

healing comes

SERIES NAME: HEALING COMES BOTTOM LINE: A BETTER RESPONSE TO MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS CREATES A SPACE OF LEARNING, SHARING, AND HEALING Mental health needs can’t be ignored they have to be responded to according. Our view of mental health will influence how we respond to mental health needs. As a church community, if we have…

Humility over pride

SERIES NAME: GROWTH BOTTOM LINE: EMBRACING WHO GOD WANTS US TO BECOME FOR TRANSFORMATION SERIES OVERVIEWOne thing God does is to call us to grow. This is not just to do with growing numerically but rather growing in what matters the most to God. Our Christian walk is actually more to do with BECOMING than…

Trust over fear

SERIES NAME: GROWTH BOTTOM LINE: EMBRACING WHO GOD WANTS US TO BECOME FOR TRANSFORMATION SERIES OVERVIEWOne thing God does is to call us to grow. This is not just to do with growing numerically but rather growing in what matters the most to God. Our Christian walk is actually more to do with BECOMING than…

Giving over taking

Greed is more easily noticeable in others than it is noticeable in us. When we are motivated by greed we will easily believe this lie: I need it, I must have it, and with it, life will be better. In this sermon, Pastor Humphreys shares the truth of the gospel which is dependent on us…