In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks fromNehemiah 13:1-31 about how the people returned to their old ways. Unless hearts are changed even a well built city won’t keep them from turning away from God.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks fromNehemiah 13:1-31 about how the people returned to their old ways. Unless hearts are changed even a well built city won’t keep them from turning away from God.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from Nehemiah 9:38-10:38 about how under Nehemiah’s leadership the people make a commitment to choose God’s way.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from Nehemiah 9:1-37 about the people confessing their sins.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from Nehemiah 6:1-7:3 about how Nehemiah intimidators were intimidated by his work.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from Nehemiah 4:1-23 about how Nehemiah responded when his work was ridiculed.
We all have things in our lives that we need to sort out. We all have things in our lives that we need to do better. We all have parts of our lives that need our attention. God has been beckoning us for a while now to change and grow. All growth that happens in…
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 about being present to carrying the burdens of those that are in pain around us following the example of Christ who empathizes with those who suffer.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys speaks from 1 Peter 3:13-17 about Being gracious with our speech (encouraging, speaking truth/gospel in love, affirming etc) towards those around us.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire speaks from Luke 14:12-15 about being ready and open to welcome those that are on the outside into our homes and sacred spaces following the example of Christ who invites and welcomes us into his home.
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys Mkandawire preaches from the book of 2 Samuel 12:1-2 about obedience to God amidst depression.