In this Sermon, Sam Walker talks about the church not being a building but a community of redeemed people.
SERIES NAME: HEALING COMES BOTTOM LINE: A BETTER RESPONSE TO MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS CREATES A SPACE OF LEARNING, SHARING, AND HEALING Mental health needs can’t be ignored they have to be responded to according. Our view of mental health will influence how we respond to mental health needs. As a church community, if we have…
SERIES NAME: GROWTH BOTTOM LINE: EMBRACING WHO GOD WANTS US TO BECOME FOR TRANSFORMATION SERIES OVERVIEWOne thing God does is to call us to grow. This is not just to do with growing numerically but rather growing in what matters the most to God. Our Christian walk is actually more to do with BECOMING than…
One thing God does is to call us to grow. This is not just to do with growing numerically but rather growing in what matters the most to God. Our Christian walk is actually more to do with BECOMING than remaining the same. In Christ, we are shaped to become Christ-like and to continue becoming…
SERIES NAME: HERE AND HEALINGBOTTOM LINE: Embracing our brokenness to experience God’s healingSERIES SUMMARYAll of us have experienced things in our lives that we need healing from. It is a mistake to overlook whatever we are going or have gone through. The best way is for us to recognize where we are at and to…
As we enter a new year and a new decade, January presents an opportunity to refocus, restart and reset. The relationship we have with Jesus is meant to grow. Jesus invites his friends to spend time with him. This relationship is not just for show, it is meant to be experienced. Our devotion to Jesus…
In this sermon Pastor Humphreys speaks from 1 Peter 3:13-17 about Being gracious with our speech (encouraging, speaking truth/gospel in love, affirming etc) towards those around us.