HERE FOR IT SERMON SERIES SERIES NAME: HERE FOR ITBOTTOM LINE: BEING A PRESENT COMMUNITY IN THE CITY FOR GOD’S KINGDOM SERIES SUMMARY: There are three ways we can choose to live our lives as a community in this city. We can choose to first of all live a life of reclusion. This is when…
NEW SERMON SERIES – YOUR LIFE, GOD’S CANVAS SERIES NAME: YOUR LIFE, GOD’S CANVASBOTTOM LINE: EMBRACING YOUR LIFE AS GOD’S PAINTING SERIES SUMMARY There’s no part of your life that doesn’t matter to God. We often live as though some aspects of our lives matter more to God than others. The same applies to our…
NEW SERIES – JESUS MOVES SERIES NAME: JESUS MOVESSERIES BOTTOM LINE: THE CLOSER TO JESUS YOU GET THE MORE YOU SEE HIS BEAUTY SERIES SUMMARY Observing Jesus from a distance, one might perceive Him as merely a good teacher or a man with noble principles who calls everyone to experience love. However, upon drawing closer…
MY REDFLAGS – SERMON SERIES SERIES NAME: MY RED-FLAGSSERIES BOTTOM LINE: DEALING WITH PERSONAL PROBLEMS BEFORE THEY LEAD TO RELATIONAL PROBLEMS SERIES SUMMARY Before a problem in a relationship becomes a problem, it tends to be a personal problem. Issues that are present in relationships are a result of one party not paying attention to…
SERIES NAME: HEALING COMES BOTTOM LINE: A BETTER RESPONSE TO MENTAL HEALTH NEEDS CREATES A SPACE OF LEARNING, SHARING, AND HEALING. Mental health needs can’t be ignored they have to be responded to according. Our view of mental health will influence how we respond to mental health needs. As a church community, if we have…
When we encounter heartbreak and trauma, often we respond by hiding it from others. We wish to protect our wounds instead of exposing them to other people. The trials we face, along with the ensuing heartbreaks, should not be kept to ourselves. When we share our pain, we receive comfort both from God and from…
SERIES NAME: OSADANDAULA BOTTOM LINE: EXPERIENCING GOD’S PEACE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CHAOS SERIES CONCEPT During this time a lot of people in our community are going through very rough times. This season people need to be reminded of God’s truth that even though we are in the chaos we are not abandoned. The…
In this sermon, Renatta retells the story of the angels visiting the shepherd and challenges us to be amazed and in wonder at what is doing.