Join us for Worship
Every Sunday morning, urbanites come together from different parts of the city to worship Jesus Christ as Lord and to learn about how to live for His honor. The corporate experience of worship at Flood Church is led by our band made up of young musicians who have the passion, the gift, and the dedication to exalt the Lord Jesus in everything they do and to create an environment in which you can “approach God with freedom and confidence” (Ephesians 3:12).
We consider your participation with us in singing songs to the Lord joyfully, giving to His work bountifully, serving His people lovingly, and submitting to His under-shepherds humbly, all to be expressions and extensions of living a life of worship to Jesus in every area of your life. Our desire to honor Jesus in every area of life is also why every Sunday our Teaching Pastor leads a dynamic Teaching Team that exemplifies a simple and relevant method of using the Bible to share the good news about Jesus and to show its relevance to real life. Each sermon message is part of a themed series spanning several weeks and designed to take you through a chosen book of the Bible, and you can access these messages online by visiting our sermon archives.
To make God’s message applicable to children, we group them into ages 3-4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 and 11+ and send them with a great team of leaders who have a passion to help children trust and worship Jesus for real and for themselves. To learn more about special events on special Sundays on our calendar you can visit our events page.