When god seems absent

This series will look through some of the passages in the book of Exodus where the children of Israel went on a journey. They thought God was talking on the journey to a promised land but they later realized that God was taking them on a journey with him.

Their eyes were more focused on what God was going to give them (the promised land) but God wanted them to focus on WHO he was to them WHO they were to him. On this journey with God the hope is that they will not only stop looking at the promised land as the ultimate prize but that they will start seeing God as the ultimate prize. On their journey with God, there will be a lot of things that will take their attention. On this journey with God they will be challenged in all kinds of ways but hopefully by the end of it they can NOW SEE HIM!

During these times our faith and hopes are being challenged. We have things, dreams and expectations we carry that we hope God will do for us. We might think that we are on a journey to getting our things sorted but what if God is taking us on a journey with him. In this waiting, what if God is taking us on a journey with him so that we can fully SEE HIM! Our faith in the desert is often tested not that we would be destroyed but that we would cling more to God for even when things are hard we still choose to SEE HIM!.


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