Out of the Ruins through Thanksgiving and Rejoicing

We all have things in our lives that we need to sort out. We all have things in our lives that we need to do better. We all have parts of our lives that need our attention. God has been beckoning us for a while now to change and grow. All growth that happens in our lives is spiritual growth.

Like the story of Nehemiah we all have places in our lives that are in ruins. Often the ruins in our lives are places that we neglect or abandon. They can be relationships that need reworking, habits that we need to leave behind or habits we need to pick up. They can be a forgiving word we need to give, or a phone call we need to make to make amends. 

When an area of your life is in ruins you can either continue to neglect it or you can do something about it. From the story of Nehemiah we see that our desire to see parts of us grow and become better is actually God’s desire too. God desires to build our lives for His glory. 

In this sermon Raphael Klug speaks from Nehemiah 12:27-47 about how Nehemiah led the people to rejoice and praise God.


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