Old Testament Bible Characters: Isaac
The aim of this session is to: look at the life of Isaac and see how important our relationships and faith are.
Verses: Genesis: Genesis 21:1-7, Genesis 25:19-23, Genesis 26:1-5 and 28:13-15
Read These Passages and complete these questions:
Genesis 21:1-7, Genesis 25:19-23, Genesis 26:1-5 and 28:13-15
Genesis 21:1-7
- How old were Abraham and Sarah when Isaac was born?
- Why did they call him Isaac (which means “she laughed”)?
- How did Abraham and Sarah feel?
Genesis 25:19-23
- Who did Isaac Marry?
- Why did he ask God for a child?
- What does this show you about Isaac’s faith?
- How did God answer Isaac’s prayer?
Genesis 26:1-5 and 28:13-15
- What promise did God make to Isaac?
- Why was God keeping his promise to Isaac and Abraham?
- How was Isaac part of the promise that God gave his son?
- How did God bless Isaac through his children?