According to the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM), since November 2014 in Malawi there has been 163 cases related to the ill-treatment of persons with Albinism, 23 people have been killed and 14 people have been reported missing and never found. This injustice towards people with Albinism and their vulnerability to ill-treatment troubled our country and our church. Our first response was to pray, however we wanted to do more.
In our efforts to do more, we enquired at APAM. APAM highlighted that many people with Albinism in Malawi come from poor communities and backgrounds. As a result they live in insecure housing, making them vulnerable to break-ins and violence.
As a church we felt it would be a good project to raise money to partner with a community to build a secure home for a family with a person with Albinism. In March this year we ran a fundraising campaign in response to this need, raising 2 million Kwacha towards this project.

In September, APAM connected us to Pilirani, through Pastor Michael Mvula. Pilirani has 3 children, one of her children; Rebecca is a person with Albinism.

In October Pastor Mvula and Pastor Humphreys met with the Chief of the area in which Rebecca lives, who agreed to provide a piece of land on which the house could be built and the bricks for building. With the support of an architect from the church and under the leadership of Pastor Mvula, the building began. The walls are now up and door frames, doors and windows will go in and the roof will go on in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your generous support that will make a significant impact in the safety and security of Rebecca and her family!
In the next few weeks we will be welcoming contributions of building supplies such as paint, buckets and brushes as well as household resources such as furniture, kitchen utensils and bedding to bless Rebecca’s family in their new home. We will also be inviting people to help paint, finish and set up the house.
If you would like more information about this project, you can email
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Beautiful expression of God’s love Flood Church