“Jesus told his disciples, ‘Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no-one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you, “Why are you untying it?” say, “The Lord needs it.” Luke 19:30-31
The curious case of the tied donkey raises questions we must consider to examine if our giving of our own resources to Jesus is an an act of surrendered worship or reluctant forfeiture.
First, does Jesus have the authority in your life to take your best resource without permission? Here is a family with a brand new donkey and Jesus sends a delegation to go take it, yet no permission is sought, because Jesus is Lord like that.
Second, does Jesus have the authority in your life to need your best resource without explanation? Here is a family that has its own needs and Jesus tells them that his need for their donkey takes precedence over theirs, yet no explanation is given, because Jesus is Lord like that.
Third, does Jesus have the authority in your life to claim your best resource without contention? Here is a family with a legal claim of ownership over the donkey and Jesus sends a delegation to treat it like he owns it, yet no fight or argument ensues from the family in protest, because Jesus is Lord like that.
Fourth, does Jesus have the authority in your life to use your best resource without commendation? Here is a family that has given up a significant source of livelihood and prestige to resource Jesus’ prophetic and historic triumphal entry into Jerusalem for his Passion, yet he speaks no word and gives no accolade to them publicly to commend or praise them, because Jesus is Lord like that.
Fifthly, does Jesus have the authority in your life to keep your best resource without restitution? Here is a family that has surrenders its brand new donkey to Jesus, yet does so without so much as a promise that he will give it back or give them another one, because Jesus is Lord like that.
So how often is your giving to Jesus a response to his Authority as Lord?
Written by: Sean Kampondeni